This Amazing Father Deserves Dad of The Year
Awesome Dad Just Wants His Kid To Be Happy
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I'm the dad that dressed as Princess Peach for my daughter, and this is my response to those who who called it "Brave" or tried to emasculate me. -
So recently this picture of my daughter and I at a mini comic con made the rounds on the internet. Like the kids say, it went viral. Naturally it triggered a lot of positive comments and some negative ones. -
One of the last links I saw was from the Daily Mail and the intro to the pictures bothered me. Stating that some fathers "Don't have much say over their Halloween outfits" and end up getting the "Raw end of the deal." I also have heard "That's brave." or my favorite "The bible says you should not dress as a woman." So here is what I wanted to say... -
When you become a parent, it does not take much work to make your child happy. From the time they are a baby to whichever milestone you decide is the one that will define their moment of becoming an adult, it isn't difficult. -
If they want to be silly and express themselves, and want to include you, (Spoiler alert: They will always want to include you.) You can cling to your masculinity or own hobbies and say, "No sweetie, I won't play dollies with you, maybe mom will do that," or "The game is on honey, go play in your room..." or you can do the little work. -
Her mother and I went through a divorce early this year. It devastated her and the work became a little harder. I had to up the positive reinforcement, make our time together more fun, but be cautious about becoming "Disneyland Dad." The parent that has less time with his child so foregoes rules and discipline to always be the good guy. -
I have been the "bad guy" a lot. I have taken away privileges and reminded her that her mother and I still had expectations of her and her behavior. We both have striven to raise her to maintain her natural kindness, curiosity, and devotion to her education. -
Sometimes that means I get to wear the Princess outfit. Even if it means snickering from my coworkers, nasty comments from insecure men, religious bible thumpers, or homophobes. I was very shy and introverted at her age. I fight a lot to make sure she never suppresses her silliness because "People are staring."
- This Amazing Father Deserves Dad of The Year
- 25 Awkward Halloween Family Photos
I'm the dad that dressed as Princess Peach for my daughter, and this is my response to those who who called it "Brave" or tried to emasculate me.